Eating notes: The stem is tough and should be discarded before cooking. The favour isn't top-rank, but the colour is retained during cooking, so it can add visual interest to a dish.
Preserving: Dries easily.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Very Common
Cap: 1-5cm deep lilac or purple (but lighter when dry). Initially convex then flattened and sometimes slightly concave.
Gills: Adnate or slightly gills are seen to curve down along the stem." class="glossary_link" href="/mushrooms/glossary#decurrent">decurrent. Widely spaced and powdery. Same colour as the cap.
Stem: Thin and tough. Same base-colour as cap with white fibres near the cap.
Spores: White
Flesh: Thin and lilac coloured.
Habitat: On the ground in mixed woodland
Frequency: Very Common